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Even in a Pandemic, You Should Still Go to the Dentist. Here’s Why


Even in a Pandemic, You Should Still Go to the Dentist. Here’s Why

Darren Levitt

In order to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have altered our everyday rhythms and routines.

It’s good to make certain changes, with personal wellness and public health in mind. But there are some things you shouldn’t change. And one of those things is making routine trips to the dentist.

Attending to oral hygiene is important for a number of reasons, and in fact, it can be tied to good overall health and wellbeing. So, we recommend twice-yearly dental check-ups. Even in a pandemic. Especially in a pandemic.

Merge Carmel Valley is proud to host Carmel Valley Dentist, one of the top local providers. At Carmel Valley Dentist, they’re taking all the right precautions to keep their office clean and sanitary, and to put patient health above all other concerns. And, they continue to offer the exemplary care you’ll need to keep your teeth and gums in good working order.

Why See a Carmel Valley Dentist?

qualified dentist in Carmel Valley

Now more than ever, we encourage you to seek care from a qualified dentist in Carmel Valley. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

  • Routine trips to the dentist are imperative for preventing the buildup of tartar and plaque, both of which can cause tooth decay.

  • Your Carmel Valley dentist will also examine your gums, and help you avoid the onset of periodontal disease… which, when left untreated, can corrode your gums, teeth, and bones.

  • At your dental visit, you’ll also receive an oral cancer screening, ensuring early detection and intervention.

  • Your dentist can also help detect any other systemic issues with your oral health, including issues with your jaw.

  • By staying on top of oral health, you can promote overall physical wellbeing. Oral hygiene has been connected with disease prevention, including prevention of heart disease, diabetes, and more.

The bottom line? As you seek to stay healthy, you can’t afford to avoid the dentist. Make sure you see a dentist in Carmel Valley soon!

And of course, we’ll recommend you once more to Carmel Valley Dentist, where you can receive first-rate care and exemplary protections against COVID-19. To find out more, we welcome you to reach out to us directly.

Photos by Charie Juaneza