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Support Local Small Business

Darren Levitt

Shop Small. But make a big impact.

We hear the phrase “Support Local” or “Shop Small” all the time. These aren’t just catch phrases, but meaningful calls to action to help support what make up 99% of all businesses in the US, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA).

It takes a special kind of bravery and know-how to create and run a small business - whether a coffee shop, pharmacy, dance studio, hair salon, nail salon, or health service, small and local businesses come in various sizes and services - run by entrepreneurs driven to make a difference for their communities.

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Merge Carmel Valley ENCAPSULATES the small business mindset.

We are 100% small, locally managed businesses and we think that’s the right approach to make a lasting connection to our neighborhood.

Come on and check us out. Check out our amazing retailers and shops and restaurants. Many offer gift cards or memberships to be used either now or later.

We’d love to see you and we’d appreciate your support.

Hello, Neighbor!

We’ve been waiting for you.